Selvedge Collection

Selvedge Collection
SELVEDGE COLLECTION - Unique scarves made from a variety of offcut pieces from the Bristol Cloth 1st and 2nd editions.
This item is made with Bristol Cloth 1st Edition, with horizontal stripes across the width.
Measurements: 125 x 165 cm
Bristol Cloth 1st Edition is 100% lambswool wool in natural (unbleached/un-dyed) fleece colours of a light grey and a dark grey in a basket weave design with an organic plant dyed terracotta stripe given from madder root (red) over-dyed with weld flower (yellow).
Available in a finish similar to a light/medium weight tweed, from a cold wash and hot press. To give a smooth, pressed cloth.
(No toxic synthetic chemicals/finishers/detergents used).